Yum, right?
The first time I went to Italy was with my family while I was a teenager. Pasta alla Carbonara was something we ordered. A lot. In every little city we went to. I think this was partially due to the fact that every time we ventured into unknown territory we got something odd like pizza w/ a pile of pickled capers on it (true story). So Carbonara was our safety food there. And was it GOOD. The Italian version is super simple and therefore super good. Sometimes here in the States you'll find Carbonara with cream. Stay away. Make this & you'll never go back.
It is so easy and simple and quick. Pasta. Eggs. Bacon. Cheese. Pepper. Seriously. Everyone has that stuff on hand all the time. Next time you don't know what to make for dinner? Well you know now.....
Pasta alla Carbonara. Make it. You won't be sorry.
This is the ultimate kid friendly, adult friendly dish. It is soooo good - did I say that already? Especially as we move into fall now and the smell of bacon in the house is so lovely. Not that there is ANY time of year where we don't like to smell bacon...