21 August 2011


My mom is a great great woman. She has and continues to leave me with little gems of wisdom.

Way back (yes WAY back) when I was in high school I remember her telling me, "you should be a better person because of those you hang around and they should be better for knowing you."

I've thought about this over and over and over and over. This is one of those little gems that is applicable your entire life.

Look around your life. Do you make a positive impression on those you spend time with? Family and friends? Neighbors and colleagues? Husbands and kids? Do you raise them up or knock them down?

Do they make a positive impression on you? Family and friends? Neighbors and colleagues? Husbands and kids? Do they raise you up or knock you down?

If you answer no... to either question, perhaps it is time for a change?

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